Monday, July 10, 2006

I was sort of supporting France

I mentioned that before, but I am not big fan of football.
However, I felt more toward supporting the french team, even though I have troubles every time I go there and I think they sort of snub.
What surprised me yesterday, most of Europeans were supporting France.
I had a chance to see part of the game at Heathrow airport, and you can feel it.
Again, it is just a game and Congrats for Italy and hard luck France.

About Zidane, I really respect him, not sure, cause he has Arabic roots, or just his behavior, I have no clue.
What he did yesterday, I think there something really bad to evoke some one like him, only time will tell.

P.S. To my Italian friend, hope when you read this, you won't get offended cause I was supporting the french.


Anonymous said...

me too I was supporting france. zidan reaction was extremely wired. all of us would like to know the real story A.S.A.P.

Anonymous said...

I cheered for Italy but what the Italians did to provoke Zidan is really mean. I respected Zidan after I read about it. The italian team is going to interrogation after the world cup for corruption cases anyway.

Sooski said...

I am glad you're updating! :)
Awesome job, man! :)
I was cheering for Italy and now know why!
btw, we're back!

OunaTouta said...

Hi Androgyne,
Long time no mails, so how are you doing!!

OunaTouta said...

So you are back, hehehe
did you check the part of your engagement in the blog