Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I am like a bird, I can fly away

And yes, I can fly away, not really fly but I am sure I feel lighter, no knee problems any more.
I have to say it is a different scale than the one I was using back in London but at least it gives me indication of my weight.
It is
76 KG
167 Lbs
11.92 Stones

still working on the shoulders and the core muscles.

Ouna record for 10KM

I did my best but you have to give me credit that I am still on restricted diet, so my Glycogen
level gets low faster than when I am on regular diet.
Anyway, I managed to finish in around 46 mins.
I have to say my new GPS Garmin watch helped me big time.
I will work on improving my time.
Wish me luck.


I was planning to see Borat movie with my brother but the show was sold out, so we decided to watch Babel.
Man, you got to see it.

I don't know why!!

I didn't really feel like updating the blog lately.
I am in Canada now as I will stay here until xmas time.
Just move to my new place, buying basic stuff for now.
The most important thing of course is the Kitchen. I bought everything I need for the kitchen.
I am already up and running, cooking and having nice meals.
Last weekend, we had Santa Parade in downtown Vancouver. I didn't have my Camera on me as I was not allowed to carry than one piece of luggage when you fly from Europe, so I preferred to leave my camera behind.
I had very two weeks busy at work as my manager left and I got a piece of the pie and I had to learn how to do that part.
I am still working out, running, and eating.
I am seeing a physiotherapist and personal trainer to fix parts of my body, I have a very weak core muscles. I hope I can strengthen that part ASAP.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

What a feeling!!!

For those who use the machines in the GYM will understand when you are asked for you weight.
Yes, I broke the 80KG barrier.
I am what I am I am
175.48 Lbs
12.53 Stone
way to goooooo!!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

I think I did it, yes I really did it

I am talking about half marathon, that is 21 KM.
I just kept running, running and running.
I came back and checked google earth and it turned out to be the half marathon.
The time was 1 hour and 54 mins or 114 minutes.
And if you don't believe me, ask my knees.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Tolerance for ignorance

I met this guy in one of the classes I attend in the Gym. Just had a quick chat and it turned out he is a American professor and he is in a short term here to teach (I guess in Cambridge) and he is teaching Criminal Justice!!!!
Anyway, while we introduced each other, I just made fun that my name is some how related to infamous president.
He looked at me and said "Don't worry, I have tolerance for Stupidity but I have absolutely no tolerance to Ignorance"

Monday, October 09, 2006

My wish list (part of my one day I will get this)

I can't really stop thinking that one day I will marry a girl either looks like Zeta or Zeta herself.
I guess Dolly sheep is the answer.
I will clone her, but there is a very challenging issue here, as far as I know, Dolly started as a baby and grew up.
So do I have to go through this with my Zeta.
Please any advice about this.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

My Cousin, Egyptian doctor, GI Diet (Dr. Rick Gallop) and of Course my Mam

I almost lost hope in loosing weight again and I said it is my destiny.
It started with my cousin visiting me in London.
However, when she came over, I noticed how frequent she eats and pretty much healthy food and no bread.
That triggered a lot of blood tests, body fat analysis, seeing couple of doctors and got advice of GI DIET book.
Of course I wouldn't be able to take that route without mam (I love you mam)
And the rest is history.
Today I am:
81.450 KG
179.56651 Lbs
12.826179 Stones

Saturday, October 07, 2006


This is just the best to describe what I feel about the poor Egyptian women, I hope one day they will wake up and realize the truth, realize that they are more than a an object for men to look at, they are the great women how use to lead Egypt thousands of years ago.
I hope one day they realize they are not like their neighbours from the desert!

From BBC about Veil

اختياري للحجاب كان بسبب الضغط الاجتماعي بالدرجة الأولى.

في مرحلة ما قبل الجامعة لم يكن عندي اختلاط كبير في المجتمع، كنت اذهب من البيت للمدرسة ومن المدرسة للبيت، حتى عندما أردت أن ألتقي بصديقاتي كنا نلتقي أما في بيوتهن أو في بيتي.

لكن بعد التخرج وبعد أن بدأت أعمل وأختلط بالمجتمع بشكل مكثف، صرت أرى المجتمع بصورة أكثر واقعية حيث شعرت بأن المرأة غير المحجبة تعتبر غير محترمة أو يراها المجتمع وكأن هناك نقصا في دينها أو عقيدتها أو فيها شخصيا.

عانيت مثل باقي النساء غير المحجبات كثيرا من المضايقات في الشوارع العامة أو في العمل حيث أحسست حينها بأني كنت مرصودة لكوني غير مرتدية الحجاب.

المضايقات كانت تأتي من كل جانب، وبأساليب عديدة ومتنوعة من نظرات همسات إلى كلام وتجريح واتهام وإصدار الأحكام بغير وجه حق.

بسبب هذه الضغوط قررت أن ارتدي الحجاب، فكان قراري هو كطريقة للتقرب من الله فقلت لنفسي قد يكونون هم على حق، وأيضا حماية لنفسي من الألسنة ونظرات الناس.

بدأ الآخرون يغيرون طريقتهم في التعامل معي، فبعد أن كانوا ينتقدوني في كل صغيرة وكبيرة أصبحوا أكثر لطفا في التعامل وقلت المضايقات، لأنهم شعروا بأني لا أختلف عنهم ربما بعد لبسي للحجاب أو لأنهم شعروا بأني بدأت أمتثل لما أريد مني.

على الرغم من أن هذا التحول كان لصالحي لكنني لم أشعر بأني كنت صادقة على الأقل مع نفسي فلم تكن قطعة القماش هذه التي أضعها على رأسي لتكثر أو تقلل من إيماني، لكن وضعتها لأنها كانت وسيلة للهروب ودرع للحماية، الحماية من المجتمع.

أحسست بالذنب وبعمق الحزن لأني كفرد وكإنسانة لم أكن حرة تماما في قراري فلم يأت عن اقتناع تام، ولكن اعتبره رواسب لعادات ورثناها عن مجتمعنا الذي لا يرحم.

وعرفت حينها أن لأنه خلقنا لنفكر، ولذا عرفت أن قراري في لبس الحجاب لم يكن صائبا وكان يجب أن يأتي عن تفكير وتمحص وقناعة، فقررت أن أعطي نفسي فكرة التفكير التي أباحها الله لي بدون ضغط من أحد. لذلك قررت أن أخلع الحجاب.

لم تكن أمي سعيدة بقراري هذا وكان بيننا نقاش لكن أعتقد أنها الآن تتفهم موقفي.

طالما تمنيت لو أننا لا ننظر لبعضنا من الخارج ونحكم، أتمنى لو أننا نعني بما هو أهم، أتمنى لو أننا بدلا من أن نحكم على مظهر بعضننا البعض، أن نهتم بالتمعن لاكتشاف الآخر بصورة أكثر عمقا، فالإنسان أعظم من مظهره.

سلوى - 27 سنة - القاهرة

and another quot

يقولون أن الإسلام أمر المرأة أن تحجب نفسها عن الرجل وأنا أسأل لماذا لا يتوقف الرجل عن رؤية المرأة بدونية وسلبية؟ ولماذا يجب ان تكون العلاقة بين المرأة والرجل مبنية على الخوف وعدم الثقة؟

أنا مضطرة أن ارتديه لأنه فرض علي وإذا أتيحت لي الفرصة فلن اقبله كرمز لإيماني لأن الله أدرى بما في قلبي.

عالية - مدرسة - 37 - بغداد

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Golden retriever

I will get this one day.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Lucky Ouna, second year in a row to Oktoberfest

Really, I didn't plan it this year asI didn't plan last year either. It just happens, however I spent only one night in Munich, and I couldn't make to the fest area until 10pm, but it was fun.
I couldn't believe the amount of people there, thousands and thousands of people and it was Monday night, not even a weekend.
The fest is considered the biggest beer fest in the world, and that is why you hear all languages from all over the world (I thought first that was German but the drunk version).
The fest area has huge, huge tents filled with people drinking and singing non-stop and the games from the baby level to the scary roller coaster (for me any roller coaster is scary even the one that hasn't moved yet).
But what I really like about the fest is, even if you don't drink you will feel drunk, either from the smell or I guess you can call it visual illusion, the thing is, no one in the fest area can walk in straight line and I really mean it when I say no one, and because of that, you will end up trying to maneuver these people which you will end up walking the same way.
The interesting thing is, you are not supposed to drink out side the tents, so huge number of security persons pushing people back inside the tent.
There was another reason for the security people to be there, which is interesting, they are making sure that no one will come out of the tent with the drinking glasses, I guess it is sort of a good souvenir (it was just a plain glass though!)

The famous German ginger bread, I bought one which have no idea what it says, hopefully nothing like kiss my ass.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

I am a cars freak but I couldn't resist this

This car for those who don't know is called Bugatti Veyron and it is the most expensive and fastest car on earth.
If you have
£880,000 GBP or $1.673,000 US, I guess you can get one, if there is any left.
Okay, all these don't matter, the interesting thing is, I have spotted this car in front of the Dorchester hotel (this is hotel is owned by Sultan of Brunei) in London and it has been parked there for the last 3 weeks.
I couldn't resist to stop and have these photos.
The surprise is, the next day when I read on Daily Mirror that that car which is parked in front of the hotel belongs to Bahrain King's son, he got it as a graduation gift.
Of course it is custom made but the mysterious thing is he had them to print the R letters " RRR" on the back of the car which no one knows what it means (you know, Brtish newspaper came up with all different guessing)

Friday, September 15, 2006

Pilattes not as bad as I thought the first time

This is my second time trying pilattes, but this time it is a new instructor.
I really liked it, it just takes a while to grasp the correct style.
However, the instructor who I think doesn't have a spine or any bones in her amazing body told Ouna that I am coming along and in 2-3 session, it will be okay.

Officially under 85KG

The scale has said it, I am 84.450 KG.
Way to go Ouna

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Aeron Chair creator passed away.

Now every time I am going to sit on my amazing Aeron chair at work, I will remember this guy.
My First experience with this chair was in 2003 when I joined Nokia.
When I was directed to my cube and I laid my eyes on this odd looking chair, especially the mesh looking material.
Only when you sit, you will fee the difference, just out of this world.
BTW, they give you training how to adjust this chair.
Final thing, it costs around $2000 CAD (that last I heard)

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Spain in the heart of London

This is an annual event called Regent street festival and this year was sponsored by Spain tourism authority.
So they converted the street (One of the most expesive shopping area "Regent street") into different Spain provinces, Andalucía, Región de Murcia and Islas Canarias.
It was fun day, lots of fun, dance, music, shows and give away.

Leave you with the photos.

This is decoration for the band instrument, chicken feet and sunflower

Funny band, eh.

Spanish beauty.

White sand was brought in, palm trees and the weather was perfect to give Spain feeling.

I couldn't resist this cute girl in this pose.

Human tower, this is sort of Spanish tradition.

Amazing, and they have different styles, two people or four in each level.

and usually ends up with this small kid on the top.

The base has tens of strong stocky men

You pump in these Spanish dressed girls everywhere, really fetl like Spain.

Junior tower, as a start!!!

To be able to stand the weight, they wrap their wastes with this cloth to support their back.

No idea what was that, but I guess it is something in their culture, any body has a clue.

Line up to kiss Spanish guys.

I was thinking to go to latin america in my last post, now I am heading directly to Spain, don't you just love the whole thing.

Interesting shoes.

These are the girls who carve these shoes.

They were cooking the biggest Paella dish in London (I guess the word means left over from Arabic origin)

I told you, it was big, no, it was huge.

You could end up having dinner with this !!!??? (I have no idea but I guess a general from an army 200 years ago)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Second time to Notting Hill 06,

Okay, this is the second time to Notting Hill Festival.
The weather wasn't really helping, very winding and rain from now to then, but got sunny sometimes.
I didn't spend long time there, but it was fun.

This is how crowded it was.

Amazing colors,

Policemen and women are all over the place

Pharaohs costume

Festival of Colors.

Walk like an Egyptian.

What a cute girl


I am going to Latin America cause of this cute girl.

Wind was so strong, so it was very hard to walk in costume like this.

Residence used his place to sell stuff.

Security, security

Impressive costumes.

A lovely family used their window as a viewing point to watch the festival.

I told you, it was safe.

Smart residence, used their balcony to sell home made food.