Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Soho Gym, this is my gym

I started yesterday going to Soho gym

It is just 5 min from my place, 3 levels, not that big but it does the job.
I started with a class called body pump, work on all your body muscles.
I was the only guy in the class, most of the guys would prefer weight lift and tougher workout, however, I did weight lift after the class (the class wasn't that easy anyway, lots of weight and no break).

What I hate about Gym is the guys around me, every one looks like Arnold or stalone, that keeps me wondering, where are the normal guys like me!!!!

I hope I can loose weight without an extreme diet and in the mean time keep it off.


Anonymous said...

I hate weight lifting too. It is not only you. I like go to classes, and it tends to have more girls. I don't care, I just do the class.

OunaTouta said...

Just boaring to keep lift and nothing happens.
BTW, who are you?
Unless you like to stay Anonymous!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ouna did it ever cross your mind that the term "Body pump" was not intended for muscles, may be that's why you were the only guy there?

OunaTouta said...

Body Pump!!!!!!
Physiology A molecular mechanism for the active transport of ions or molecules across a cell membrane.