It has been a while since I blogged anything and I have a good reason one of them of course being lazy and I have been in Spain for over 2 two weeks now.
Just came back and I have lots and lots of stories to tell you about.
I will start by the airport! When I landed and looked outside the window I wasn't sure if I landed in an ordinary airport or a museum of modern arts.
I walked in and I was surprised and shocked how big that giant building was!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is huge, huge to the point that to get from the gate I arrived at to the point where I should collect my luggage I had to take four escalators up then walk for few minutes, train to the other side, another set of escalators and walk again for few minutes.
I was posted there that it takes over 22 minutes to get from the gate to the luggage area!!!
I got some photos here, have a look.
More to come soon.